Suzie Halle (Grand Prix dressage rider) has been riding since her youngest age. To reach the top, she has trained a lot and one of her key tips is: never train without filming your ride. Combining video and sport has shown that you can progress way faster. Just like Suzie Halle for riding and other indivual sports, seeing yourself from the outside will help to target specific areas you need to work on. General posture, horse’s behaviour, position of your hands or feet… Many aspects that you ignore when training but that you’ll immediately see on a video giving the ability to work on for next time.
Suzie Halle decided to go for PIXEM robot and camera mounted on a tripod to be able to have her own robot cameraman following her, zooming in and out to make sure she’ll get all aspects of her riding. After going through the experience of a still camera and missing some details of her training, PIXEM was a game-changer for Suzie. Now all her rides and training sessions are filmed and recorded for further analyzis with her coach.
Suzie Halle, Grand Prix Dressage Rider, PIXEM user
Of course, video has not replaced her coach but has been an added-value to their debriefings and analysis. Thanks to this method, the instructor can analyze his trainee session both through his own eyes and thanks to the video. One of the advantages is that it is easier to discuss, to see the sequences several times and it is also more obvious for the rider to understand his instructor’s comments about his position and gestures as he can see himself and of course his horse behaviour.
« PIXEM is an invaluable tool in my training & the ability to look back on the progression & journey I’ve been on with my horse is absolutely priceless. »